Traffic and Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures
Did you know? We share our Mariposa campus with two other schools (San Carlos Charter and Tierra Linda Middle School), so we have almost 1,000 students dropped off each day. In order to live as a community of three schools, we have some expectations. Please read the expectations below and review the map provided.
For our Mariposa Community:
- Please be courteous of others and obey all traffic signs. Do not park and leave your car in any of the drop off areas; these are for loading and unloading only.
- Allow yourself plenty of time to get to school.
- Whenever possible have your kids take the bus, or park a few blocks away and walk to campus. This will alleviate traffic for all of our families who must drive onto our school
- If you park in the neighborhood, be courteous and do not block driveways. Please DO NOT drop your child off at school prior to 8:10 in the morning. All campus entrances will be locked until 8:10, and students will not be allowed to enter until 8:10 when supervision begins. In addition, San Carlos Charter Learning Center (SCCLC) begins at 8:10, there will be lots of traffic coming in and out if you arrive prior to 8:10.
- DO NOT line up to pick up your child earlier than 3:05. This causes a backup that will not help all who are trying to pick up their kids.
If you are coming by Car:
Our drop off curbline is at the TOP of the hill across from the Charter buildings. Please pull around through the circle and up to the curb. Please do not park and leave your car in the circle for any reason! Pull up to the curb as far forward as possible and have students exit the car. Note that idling and parking are not allowed in the carline. Once you arrive, students must exit the vehicle and walk in. Students can then walk down the stairs to our campus. They will then hang up their backpacks and walk directly to the lunch tables where supervision will begin at 8:10. Please note that from 8:10-8:25, students must have homework or a book to read; our playground will open at 8:25.
If you are coming by Bus:
The SamTrans bus is a great option for our Mariposa students! The bus will drop students off on San Carlos Avenue around 8:09am and again at 8:29am this year – perfect with our new schedule. Students will walk on the sidewalk to the school, walking past the front of Tierra Linda and around to our side entrance (marked with a large Mariposa Banner). They will then hang up their backpacks and walk directly to the lunch tables where supervision will begin at 8:10. Please note that from 8:10-8:25, students must have homework or a book to read; our playground will open at 8:25. Click here for SamTrans bus schedules - Route 61.
If you are walking or rolling:
When coming onto campus, students will get off their bikes or skateboards when they cross the crosswalk to campus. Students will drop their bicycles off in the bike drop off area on corner of the Tierra Linda Campus closest to Mariposa and walk AROUND to the entrance on the Mariposa side. Cutting through the TL campus is not allowed. They will then hang up their backpacks and walk directly to the lunch tables where supervision will begin at 8:10. Please note that from 8:10-8:25, students must have homework or a book to read; our playground will open at 8:25.