Theresa Fox
- This is my fourth year at Mariposa, and my twenty-seventh year as an educator. Throughout my entire career, 3rd-5th grade has been my sweet spot. I spent twelve years teaching in this grade span, and spent an additional seven years mentoring, coaching and leading upper elementary educators. Before coming to San Carlos, I was a K-5 principal in Menlo Park City School District.
- I am particularly passionate about designing learning experiences that engage students and foster ownership, creativity, and collaboration. This aligns perfectly with the new Learner Profile for San Carlos Schools, part of our Strategic Plan, so I'm looking forward to bringing that focus to Mariposa in the 24-25 school year.
- In addition to being a principal and lifelong learner, I am also a mom. My two boys are in 7th grade and 11th grade, so I understand the parent side of this age span, too! We live on the Peninsula and enjoy lots of baseball, hiking/biking, reading, cooking and family game nights.