Electives Back to School Night - 9/30/2020 (Click for Zoom Links)

Mr. Murphy, Ms. Tetreault, and Ms. Xavier have enjoyed getting to know their new students! Elective classes are going well. These teachers will be holding a short Back to Electives Information Meeting on Wednesday, September 30th from 6:30 - 6:45 pm. They will be going over important class information and answering questions about the 5th grade electives. Please join on the Zoom links to meet with your child's elective teacher!
Mr. Murphy, Band
Zoom Link: https://scsdk8.zoom.us/j/98561366639?pwd=OW9tdGJQV2J1VlJWQXRXTFdJTkhDdz09
Ms. Tetreault, Orchestra
Zoom Link: https://scsdk8.zoom.us/j/4378669374?pwd=ZmVtUUpVVTZoU3MxMmsvT3ZRa2Fodz09
Ms. Xavier, Beginning Art
Zoom Link: https://scsdk8.zoom.us/j/98919139749?pwd=M3pRK3hTWTVISEVuY3BmMm9ZSlNydz09